Self-Employed Home Loans


Self-Employed Home Loans

Small company owners and self-employed people are essential to a healthy economy, yet many lenders are hesitant to lend to self-employed people. At Smart Mortgage Finance, we take a different approach to things and hunt for loans and solutions tailored to the self-employed.

Self-Employed Home Loan Criteria

Purchasing a car is, for the vast majority of us, the second greatest cost we have after purchasing a home. Car loans differ depending on whether you’re buying a new or used car, and whether you’re buying from a dealer or a private seller. Our specialists can advise you on your existing repayment ability and help you choose the best loan term for you. The majority of lenders’ requirements need you to have been self-employed for at least two to three years to be eligible for a self-employed house loan.

Some people, on the other hand, have only been self-employed for a year. If you’ve been self-employed for less than a year, you’ll find that there aren’t many lenders prepared to lend to you, restricting your alternatives. This is owing to the fact that you have not received your tax returns and hence have no method of proving your income, as well as the fact that new businesses face greater financial uncertainty.

If You Need Help, Get A Consultation

How many Loans am I eligible for?

The loan amount and interest rates are affected by the purpose of the loan, as well as whether the mortgaged property is owner-occupied or an investment property. If you have been self-employed for at least two years, you may be eligible for a loan of up to 90% of the value of your home. You may borrow anything from $100,000 to $1.5 million, depending on your loan-to-value ratio.

Our professionals at Smart Mortgage Finance can help you find the right loan, at the right rate, with the right features and alternatives for your business.


Some of the brokers associated with us have access to 35 lenders across Australia.

Use our Excellent Home Loan ServicesGet A Consultation

Choose from over 35 lenders all over Australia to get the home loan and Finance options that works best for you!


What Services we Offer?

Our Services aim to make your life easier with excellent Home Loan services.

Refinancing Loans

Refinancing can help you get better interest rates on your home loan and make quicker repayments

Low Credit Score

Do you have a low credit score and unable to get the best interest rate for your Home Loan?


Maintain a great work-life balance and get the best Home Loan offer you can from our lenders across Australia

No LMI Home Loans

Avoid paying the LMI when you are taking more than 80% of the Property Value as a loan, talk to use today

SMSF Home Loans

Tap into your SMSF to gain access to fund that can help you buy the investment property of your choice

Home Loans

Get the best Home Loan you can with expert lenders who model the Home Loan around your needs

We Offer Mortgage Solutions for First Home BuyersRefinance Home Loan

The personalized study of the individual’s financial profile, together with offers from over 30 lenders, allows us to obtain a high degree of success in providing the tailored solution.

Expert Advisor

Smart Mortgage Finance is available to assist you in your journey towards owning a dream home. Talk to one of our Specialist to get more information on our services and choose the Home Loan that is right for you.

Mortgage Expert

As a lending specialist for mortgage solutions, we are committed to finding the right mortgage with the maximum possible savings passed to the clients. For further information, please contact us.

Financial Planing

The personalized study of the individual’s financial profile, together with offers from over 30 lenders, allows us to obtain a high degree of success in providing the tailored solution.

If You Need Help, Get A Consultation


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